Family @ Meadows
Natalia & Noah
Natalia & Noah 3
Dan Preaching

About Us

Meet The Woodrings

Dan is a third-generation missionary. His grandparents served as missionaries in Africa, and his parents served as missionaries in the Dominican Republic, where he grew up.

Barbara grew up in Martinsburg, Pennsylvania, and received the call to missions while attending Bible College.

Dan & Barbara have been in ministry for over 15 years. They spent seven years in pastoral ministry, and eight years in international missions work. Through their years of ministry, God burdened the Woodrings to help Dominican churches transition from missionary-receiving churches to missionary-sending churches.

After five years of working alongside Dominican church leaders in the city of Santiago, the local churches have accepted the challenge and developed their own strategy for planting new churches and fulfilling the Great Commission.

The Woodrings continue to partner with these Dominican churches, but have now accepted the invitation to work with WOTBM in similar endeavors in Asia and Africa as well.

Dan is the Assistant Director of International Ministries with The Way of Truth Ministries and The Way of Truth Baptist Mission.

Dan & Barbara are the proud parents of two adult children, Natalia & Noah.

What we do


We do this by equipping, mobilizing, & supporting national missionaries in Asia, Africa, & the Caribbean.


WOTBM has several Bible institutes that are training indigenous men and women for the work of the Gospel.

WOTM provides a Bible College level curriculum through the World Wide Bible Institute.

We also organize conferences and other training events for our national missionaries on the field.


Each country WOTBM serves has a national director who oversees the ministry in that country. 

The national director is primarily responsible for recruitment, training, and accountability.

As Associate Director of International Ministries, Dan coordinates with the national directors as they oversee the ministry in their country.


WOTBM helps raise financial support for national missionaries and the many ministry needs on the field.

National missionaries require less financial support than North American missionaries but still need financial support.  Resources are very limited in their countries.  We help provide the funding they need to fulfill their calling.

Get involved



Effective ministry can only be accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit.  We recognize the power of prayer and covet your prayers.  Want to know how to pray more effectively for our ministry?  You can download our latest newsletter by clicking on the link below.


As a faith mission, The Way of Truth Ministries depends on God's provision for every need.  The faithful support of God's people enables us to fulfill our calling.  Would you consider joining our support team with either a one-time donation or a regular commitment of financial support?  All contributions are tax-deductible.  You can click one of the links below to download a donor form or give online.


The Way of Truth Ministries has many opportunities for God's people to get involved.  Don't hesitate to contact us for information about serving with WOTM.  

Call to learn more


Connect with the Woodrings

Visit WOTM's Website